Trail Ridge Kennel Club
Trail Ridge Kennel Club

trkc Membership

New ideas and new thoughts often come from new member!  The TRAIL RIDGE KENNEL CLUB's membership is open to all persons who are in good standing with the United Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of the TRKC and agree to abide by the United Kennel Club Code of Ethics.


Membership is unrestricted as to residence however the TRKC's primary purpose is to be representative of the breeders and exhibitors in its immediate area which is Northern Colorado.  


TRAIL RIDGE KENNEL CLUB offers several types of membership.  The most common yearly memberships are:


Individual $25 - open to persons 18 years of age or older.  Individual members are entitled to all club privileges including the right to vote and hold office.


Family $30 - open to individual members residing in the same household. Each member is entitled to all club privileges including the right to vote and hold office.


Associate $15 - An associate member is entitled to all club privileges except voting and holding office.


Junior $0 - open to persons 12 to 18 years of age. Junior memberships are entitled to all club privileges except voting and holding office.


If you would like to consider joining the TRAIL RIDGE KENNEL CLUB, contact us for an application OR download the PDF TRKC Membership Application below. Please feel free to come to one of our meetings and meet us!


There are 16 Variety Breeds recognized in UKC for conformation.  If all of the Varities for each of the 16 Variety Breeds were entered in a show, a judge would have 40 judges sheets to fill out.


This PDF TRKC Membership Application is your ticket to joining and enjoying a progressive club with dedicated members. New members bring new ideas and help move the club toward success. Download, fill out and bring to a meeting or mail to the address listed.
2025 TRKC Membership App.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [232.3 KB]
If you want to know more about how the TRKC objectives, goals, how TRKC operates, how to become a member, etc. feel free to read this PDF of the TRKC Constitution and ByLaws.
2015 TRKC Constitution and Bylaws.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [257.8 KB]
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© 2014-2025 Trail Ridge Kennel Club / Web Contact: Nina Sherrer