2025 Trail Ridge KC
UKC Dog Shows
MAY 9 - 11, 2025
Mother's Day Classic
6 Conformation Dog Shows
held at the
E Indiana Ave & E 2nd St
Judges for the 2025 Shows
Amy Turner
Sharon MacDonald
Nina Marie Sherrer
Saturday & Sunday
David Kittredge
Marilyn O'Neill
Steven Melgreen
Mary Ellen Meyer
Read On for Further Information.
The Cluster drawing began in 2023. To be held again in 2025. For each 6-Show Cluster Entry in 2025, you will receive an entry form for the 2026 TRKC CLUSTER DRAWING. The lucky person whose name is drawn will receive a Certificate for 1 dog Cluster Entry in 2026. In other words if you enter 2 dogs in all 6 shows in 2025, you will receive 2 entry forms for the drawing. If you name is drawn, you will receive a certificate for 1 dog TRKC cluster entry in 2026.
Begun in 2017, TRKC decided to honor senior dogs over 9 yrs. Beautiful Rosettes are awarded for Oldest Dog, Best Moving, and Best Stacked!
In addition to Oldest Dog, Best Moving, and Best Stacked, the judges may also give out Award of Merit Rosettes!
Begun in 2017, TRKC has a drawing for a Beautiful Mother's Day Surprise for the Mother's Day Drawing. This is made and/or put together by one of our very creative members! Must be present to win. 1 free ticket per person. If you entered a dog, your ticket will be in your armband envelope.
Started in 2019 we're continuing this special event! All exhibitors receive an official ballet to vote for whom they feel is the best judge for the weekend. The award is made with a presentation of a beautiful rosette and gift.
Started in 2021, each Junior who receives a BEST JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP award will compete for the ULTIMATE JUNIOR Award. There could be up to 6 Juniors in this special event. A Beautiful Rosette and a gift will be awarded.
If during the Mother's Day Classic Weekend, your dog obtains a NEW TITLE, be sure to ask for a New Title Form. Fill it out and return it to the Event Secretary. New Title Awards are presented on Sunday.
In 2013 at the first TRKC conformation shows, The Best of Best in Shows began. This event is held at the very end of the weekend. All 6 Best In Show dogs and any other dog receiving a Best In Show (including a BIS for Altered, Veteran, Puppy and Brace Class) is eligible to compete in this event.
(See the Ribbons HERE!)
Group Rosettes
New Title Awards (Held on Sunday)
Mother's Day Surprise Drawing (Held on Sunday)
AGE MATTERS Competition for Old Dogs (Held on Saturday)
Altered Classes
Altered Best in Show Rosettes
Altered Reserve Best in Show Rosettes
Novice Puppy Classes
Novice Puppy Best in Show Rosettes
Novice Puppy Reserve Best Show Rosettes
Veteran Classes
Veteran Best in Show Rosettes
Veteran Reserve Best in Show Rosettes
Brace Classes
Brace Best in Show Rosettes
Brace Reserve Best in Show Rosettes
BEST in Show Rosettes
Reserve BEST in Show Rosettes
ULTIMATE JUNIOR Best of Best in Shows (Held on Sunday)
Reserve ULTIMATE JUNIOR Best of Best in Shows (Held on Sunday)
BEST OF BEST in SHOW Rosette (Held on Sunday)
Reserve BEST OF BEST in SHOW Rosette (Held on Sunday)
Award of Merits for Selected Classes
Exhibitor Voted Best Judge at Mother's Day Classic (Held on Sunday)
Brittany McGivney was the
TRKC 2024 Show Photographer
In case you missed finding a TRKC show photo,
they are on and can be ordered off Brittany's website.
President: Teri Burke
Vice-President: David Schiller
Secretary: Karen Schiller
Treasurer: Nina Marie Sherrer
Board: Kellie Whitten
Board: Sandy McCrady
Board: Craig Gibson
1. How many Variety Breeds are recognized in UKC?
2. How many breeds does UKC recognize that can be shown in Conformation classes as of January 1, 2024?
The answers appears somewhere in the Trail Ridge Kennel Club web site.
TRKC Welcomes
Working MEMBERS!
We are a progressive and friendly club - every one gets along, everyones ideas are considered and discussed! We would love to have some helpful members! Find out how we can help each other and continue putting on quality UKC conformation shows. You are welcome to attend one of our meetings and see what TRKC has to offer. We meet in the Loveland, Colorado area, usually on a Sunday at 1:00PM. Dates vary according to member schedules.
Email nina@trailridgekennelclub.org for information about our next meeting.
The TRAIL RIDGE KENNEL CLUB often meets each month except for May (Show Month) and December (Holiday Gathering) Sometimes by members choice and approval through email, we change a meeting date/time. For exact meeting date and location contact us.
TRKC's 2nd
were held
July 20 & 21, 2019
in Longmont CO!
(See the Ribbons HERE!)